Occupational Stress & positive psychology


Dual Diagnosis: Open Access  is a peer reviewed, international journal, aims to promote the research in all the related fields of depression and its related syndromes by rapid publication of articles.

This scientific journal publishes all relevant topics in the area of dual diagnosis like Dual Diagnosis, Dual Diagnosis Treatment, Clinical Diagnosis of Depression, Autism Diagnosis, Alzheimers Diagnosis, Schizophrenia Diagnosis, Psychiatric Diagnosis, Anxiety Diagnosis, OCD Diagnosis, Multiaxial Diagnosis, Cerebral palsy Diagnosis, Trigeminal Neuralgia Diagnosis, Peripheral Neuropathy Diagnosis, PDD Diagnosis, MDD Diagnosis, Dyspraxia Diagnosis, Dysautonomia Diagnosis, etc.

Although several important topics are mentioned, yet the journal will not be limiting the consideration for publication, other allied topics will be considered if found suitable under the wide scope of the journal.

Positive psychological capital, as a worthwhile resource for individuals as well as organizations, has drawn the attention of researchers in both psychology and management fields. This neglected construct recently named as one of the significant competitive advantages of organizations. It also plays an important role in individual success. Scholars reveal that early toxic experiences and relevant maladaptive schemas would influence negatively on an individual's psychological capital. Although quantitative research reported that psychological capital can be affected by childhood experiences, there appears no research on the mechanism of this relationship. Hence, this article aims to answer the question of why early adverse experiences can deplete one's psychological capital. Two theories, including Information Process Theory and Brain Development, were employed to justify the relationship.

Occupational stress among health care professionals in this study was high (46.8%). This implies that it is a great public health concern. Working in the emergency department as well as the forensic psychiatry unit from work-related variables and dissatisfaction with one's job were risk factors significantly associated with occupational stress. Early screening of health professional for occupational stress and its risk factors has to be given attention. Especially those working in emergency departments and forensic units should be given consideration.

The journal is using Editor Manager System for well-ordered submission to publication functioning for the authors, reviewers and editors.

You can Submit manuscript directly online https://www.imedpub.com/submissions/dual-diagnosis-open- orAuthors are requested to submit manuscript as an e-mail attachment to dualdiagnosis@emedsci.com

Nancy Ella
Dual Diagnosis: Open Access
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