Purpose of avoiding high inflammatory diets to the people who are suffering with Kidney diseases.


Purpose of avoiding high inflammatory diets to the people who are suffering with Kidney diseases.

Diet is an important part of managing many health conditions, and new research is shining a light on how essential it can be for healthy kidneys.

Foods that cause inflammation in the body are numerous and often found in popular dishes in the United States. Pro-inflammatory foods include refined carbohydrates (unlike high-fiber, whole-grain carbs), sugar and high-fructose corn syrup, red meat, soda and other carbonated beverages, and fried foods.
Even some vegetables, such as those in the nightshade family — including tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers — can cause inflammatory reactions.

The key to following an anti-inflammatory diet includes getting more color in your diet (through an increased consumption of fruits and vegetables), more healthy fats (like omega-3 fatty acids found in wild salmon and trout as well as walnuts) and more beans and intact whole grains.

In conjunction with this, consider limiting sugar in the diet to no more than 25 g added sugar or less and avoid fried foods, processed foods, and refined flours.

Coffee cautions

Patients on a fluid-restricted diet cannot overlook the amount of coffee they consume because it’s a fluid. Make sure coffee fits in your daily fluid requirement, they said.
Potassium levels need to stay on the low side. Most people with moderate to severe CKD or acute kidney injury should eat less than 2,000 mg of the mineral each day. If you have more than one cup a day - each cup contains about 116 mg - you may wind up consuming more than you want.
“Aim to drink less than three cups of coffee each day to be considered in the safe range,” they said. “Luckily, since black coffee is low in sodium, protein, phosphorous, calories, and carbohydrates, you don’t have to worry about this when you are drinking your coffee black,” they noted.
Caffeine comes with benefits, but it can also cause a sudden spike in blood pressure, and that’s not good for anyone — especially those with CKD.

Journal of Nephrology and Urology is an Open Access peer-reviewed publication that discusses current research and advancements in diagnosis and management of kidney disorders as well as related epidemiology, pathophysiology and molecular genetics

Contributors are welcome to publish high quality clinical, and laboratory research as case series, reviews, guidelines, techniques and practices.

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Journal of Nephrology and Urology
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