Supplement levels for people who are suffering from kidney diseases


Supplement levels for people who are suffering from kidney diseases

Journal of Nephrology and Urology is an Open Access peer-reviewed publication that discusses current research and advancements in diagnosis and management of kidney disorders as well as related epidemiology, pathophysiology and molecular genetics
The journal invites different types of articles including original research article, review articles, short note communications, case reports, Editorials, letters to the Editors and expert opinions & commentaries from different regions for publication.

Kidneys are responsible for filtering waste products, releasing hormones that regulate blood pressure, balancing fluids in the body, producing urine, and many other essential tasks.There are various ways in which these vital organs can become damaged.Diabetes and high blood pressure are the most common risk factors for kidney disease. However, obesity, smoking, genetics, gender, and age can also increase the risk. Uncontrolled blood sugar and high blood pressure cause damage to blood vessels in the kidneys, reducing their ability to function optimally.When the kidneys aren’t working properly, waste builds up in the blood, including waste products from food.
People in the early stages of kidney disease have different restrictions than those with kidney failure, also known as end-stage renal disease
For most people with advanced kidney disease, it’s important to follow a kidney-friendly diet that helps decrease the amount of waste in the blood.
Potassium plays many critical roles in the body, but those with kidney disease need to limit potassium to avoid dangerously high blood levels. It’s usually recommended to limit potassium to less than 2,000 mg per day
Sodium is found in many foods and a major component of table salt. Damaged kidneys can’t filter out excess sodium, causing its blood levels to rise. It’s often recommended to limit sodium to less than 2,000 mg per day.
Phosphorus: Damaged kidneys can’t remove excess phosphorus, a mineral in many foods. High levels can cause damage to the body, so dietary phosphorus is restricted to less than 800–1,000 mg per day in most patients.
Protein is another nutrient that people with kidney disease may need to limit, as damaged kidneys can’t clear out waste products from protein metabolism
However, those with end-stage renal disease undergoing dialysis, a treatment that filters and cleans the blood, have greater protein needs
Luckily, many delicious and healthy options are low in phosphorus, potassium, and sodium.

Media Contact:
Alex Stewart
Journal Manager
Journal of Nephrology and Urology
Whatsapp no: +15046082390